What really matters in a modern R-Evolution (that, as explained in "Pages" section, must be distinguished from an old Revolution) is a sense of concreteness.
· The origin of the modern western world States, as we know them, must be searched in the year 1815, after the Congress of Vienna.
Well, it is not really correct because maybe we have to come back up to 1776 when started the U.S. Confederation. However, inEurope , the year of the Congress of Vienna is a mile stone in western world History. But we should remember if we want to be really correct, that more than States in that period existed Empires, no States. However from the existence of those Empires (and even older empires) it starts an important concept: on Earth there are portions of land delimited by political borders where are living people speaking the same language. A bit more than one century later due to the dissolution of the European Empires we assist to the transformation of them into States. This transformation is the European Empires answer to survive but transformed in something apparently different whose substance is always the same. The substance is to preserve a portion of territory where are living people speaking a same language. In short this means that nobody is ready and available to renounce to his “national ego” exactly a as person it is not ready and available to renounce to his “ego” even if he committed a lot of mistakes. The Empires have been committing a lot of mistakes up to the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th. But all that they were able to invent was a change of their names. It is the same process of a work organization (a company, for instance) which, instead of changing his working process and eliminate old people responsible for the failure, all that they do is to change the department titles on the doors. This behaviour is known as “to change all because nothing changes”. So this happened with the creation process of the States in Europe .
They were the fake answer to a real exigency of independence of that time. But now? They are old and over passed by the events. States have no more sense. States are old. States are only the expression of a plutocracy representing economics and politics elites. People do not need elites that lead them like they were a flock of sheep. People nowadays only need other people solving practical problems like to find a job, have a house where to live, to be sure of getting his pension when due, to educate children in good school, to receive good health care. This is all people need. Most of the times people do not receive this kind of services because we are still living in a society shared in classes, like in the past ages. We are still exactly living as hundreds of years ago. It is now time to say stop and change. How? No more State, please. Just people without social difference like, for instance, for quantity of money owns. People organized for their languages and local history, of course, but not discriminated for their sex tendency, religious believing or ethnic origin. Differences are good, they must be preserved. There is no need to impose a multicultural vision of life if people don't like it. We can improve peace between populations simply improving other ways like tourism, cultural exchanges, students studying abroad. There is no obligation for people to expatriate in a country for working reasons. Because this is not implementing the way people can agree between them. It is just the way that economic elites invented to exploit better the "human capital" i.e. a mean of production. Economic elites just think in terms of benefits and they don't absolutely mind if people are living in sub human conditions or lying as "laboratory rats". For all these reasons the idea of State is now old and must be revised if we want to survive in the future avoiding the risk of a new world catastrophe. Because this time the risk is bigger than in the past and could give up with the whole human race. We must be very careful. Really.
Well, it is not really correct because maybe we have to come back up to 1776 when started the U.S. Confederation. However, in
They were the fake answer to a real exigency of independence of that time. But now? They are old and over passed by the events. States have no more sense. States are old. States are only the expression of a plutocracy representing economics and politics elites. People do not need elites that lead them like they were a flock of sheep. People nowadays only need other people solving practical problems like to find a job, have a house where to live, to be sure of getting his pension when due, to educate children in good school, to receive good health care. This is all people need. Most of the times people do not receive this kind of services because we are still living in a society shared in classes, like in the past ages. We are still exactly living as hundreds of years ago. It is now time to say stop and change. How? No more State, please. Just people without social difference like, for instance, for quantity of money owns. People organized for their languages and local history, of course, but not discriminated for their sex tendency, religious believing or ethnic origin. Differences are good, they must be preserved. There is no need to impose a multicultural vision of life if people don't like it. We can improve peace between populations simply improving other ways like tourism, cultural exchanges, students studying abroad. There is no obligation for people to expatriate in a country for working reasons. Because this is not implementing the way people can agree between them. It is just the way that economic elites invented to exploit better the "human capital" i.e. a mean of production. Economic elites just think in terms of benefits and they don't absolutely mind if people are living in sub human conditions or lying as "laboratory rats". For all these reasons the idea of State is now old and must be revised if we want to survive in the future avoiding the risk of a new world catastrophe. Because this time the risk is bigger than in the past and could give up with the whole human race. We must be very careful. Really.
But what seems is helping people is indeed that nobody is considering that in name of the security we have now renounced to a big portion of our freedom. Let me ask a question: do you know why in
This is the vital point of the problem. In the name of eliminating permanent armed conflicts between people, we have decided that only a limited number of people must be legally armed. This is a good idea if the armed people behave in the correct way. But what happens if they don’t behave correct? This is the point, my friend. Such as for the already explained principle of the degeneration of Parliament Members’ immunity, we are also assisting to a degeneration of the principle that only a few people must be armed with the aim of preserving social peace. Armed corps for what we are seeing are not behaving to defend weak people from the attacks of delinquency, for instance. No, most of the time they are in association with criminals, they are accepting money from them to close both eyes on their crimes. Another time it is a matter of corruption, as you see. But we can add something more, anticipating the next #10 point. Dominant elites are using armed corps to defend their interests and control society.
Elites, for definition, only represent a little portion of people. This means they are, numerically speaking, a minority. But if a minority takes the power this means we are assisting to a degeneration of democracy (see previous #2 point). Last but not least armed corps most of the times are behaving for themselves. Imagine for a while we are all agree to dissolve armed corps by a referendum. Do you think this action could be fully realized in a practical way? No, I don’t think so. Because armed corps will refuse this people decision and will react with a “golpe” of State. Using their military force they surely would take control of the State. Military corps with the pass of the time has been loosing their original mission of serving people because they are only serving themselves.
· Governments must never ever declare a war in the name of the people. Actually the juridical process of declaring a war seems enough well organized. But even if a declaration of war must be ratified from the Parliament, this does not avoid that a Government can declare a war even witouth the previous Parliament authorization. By the way even if in a second time this authorization is due and given, the problem remains unsolved. The reason because it remains unsolved must be searched in the origin of our democracy system. Since we need an agile system of government we have invented a system based on representatives of the people i.e politics. These politics after being elected decide which of them will be part of the government. Less or more, with some differences, this is how our democracy system works. Well, it is a good thing for ordinary administration. But what happens in extraordinary cases as just taking the decision to declare a war? What really happens is that a very limited number of people i.e. the politics forming a government, without a direct consultation and only because once a time they were voted and elected, decide that a nation i.e. people must be involucrate in a war. This was what exactly happened with Afghanistan and Iraq wars. People expressed almost a full and total reaction to these two wars, but government (politics) ignored this refuse.
· Elites are no more suitable in the actual society organization. Elites are an ancient structure of the past times. They are survived until our present times only because the majority of the people is not able to self-organize his life, like in the following draw:
Even if this is not really and totally true. The real truth is that the majority of the people is retained in a world of ignorance. The majority of the people most of time is not able to self-organize because they have always lived like a flock of sheep. Cultural, economic, politic elites are not worried of this ignorance of the people. No, they like to increase it. Look at the access of university, for instance. University is the topic place where you can find knowledge. It is very difficult that some brilliant scientist doesn’t have a university background. The same for doctors, lawyers, professors, advocates, judges, economists, engineers of any kind of subject, chemistries, biologists and physicists and so on. I admit recently there are a couple of exceptions which are Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Well, but just because they are exceptions they are confirming the rule. 99 % of the people occupying public and private prestigious charges are coming from universities. But not any kind of university. Usually they are coming of a restricted circle of universities such us Harvard, Yale, MIT, Chicago, Caltech, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, UCLA Universities in USA; Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, London School of Economics in UK;La Sorbonne , École d’Administration Publique, ENS, École Polytechnique in France; Bocconi, La Cattolica , La Sapienza , La Normale in Italy; ESADE in Spain; Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Technische Universität München in Germany; ETH Zurich in Swiss; HKU, HKUST in Hong Kong; The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Osaka University in Japan; University of Toronto in Canada; NUS in Singapore; University of Sidney, University of Melbourne in Australia; Peking University in China. As you see the number is very restricted, just a little circle of Universities. Did you have any idea how much it costs for a family to allow their son or daughter could study in one of these universities? In dollars sometimes more than 100.000 dollars for a 4 years academic school. Do you think that anybody can allow such a big cost to maintain his son or her daughter studies at university? Don’t forget please another kind of elite study such as Military Academy . Have you ever heard about West Point Military Academy sometimes? Well I think a matter it is clear now: elite are retaining knowledge in a restricted circle which first base is formed by expensive universities with high cost of maintenance. In this way the social elites are perpetuating their power generation by generation. The high costs of accessing some important universities are the barriers for people to access knowledge in general. If you do not have knowledge you are condemned to not understand what is happening around you. For instance you don’t understand why your country enters a war or a group of terrorists are killing innocent people or why an economic crisis starts or if there are new medicines available for some horrible diseases like HIV, cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson. So now I ask you: why we are allowing a system based on elites? A system based on elites it is like caste system in India . We are changing the name but the basics are really similar. If we criticize caste system, why we accept elites system in western world? I think it is time to re-think elites system setting society up with more individual freedom. Individual freedom must be the new rule and the new order. Individual freedom is the mile stone of our next future. No more elites please.
(courtesy of http://www.democraticunderground.com)
Even if this is not really and totally true. The real truth is that the majority of the people is retained in a world of ignorance. The majority of the people most of time is not able to self-organize because they have always lived like a flock of sheep. Cultural, economic, politic elites are not worried of this ignorance of the people. No, they like to increase it. Look at the access of university, for instance. University is the topic place where you can find knowledge. It is very difficult that some brilliant scientist doesn’t have a university background. The same for doctors, lawyers, professors, advocates, judges, economists, engineers of any kind of subject, chemistries, biologists and physicists and so on. I admit recently there are a couple of exceptions which are Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Well, but just because they are exceptions they are confirming the rule. 99 % of the people occupying public and private prestigious charges are coming from universities. But not any kind of university. Usually they are coming of a restricted circle of universities such us Harvard, Yale, MIT, Chicago, Caltech, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, UCLA Universities in USA; Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, London School of Economics in UK;