On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Today is recurring the 63th anniversary, of course. If today you listen TV news or have a look about information web-sites you can see thousands of words dedicated to this subject. Starting from tomorrow, you will not see a word talking again of Human Rights.
This is the reason because in this site you have always found the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a permanent reminder for our consciousness. Since the beginning when I started this Blog one of my first posts (edited in "Pages" section at the bottom of the Blog) was dedicated to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The reason because I decided to dedicate one of my first thoughts to this Declaration is very easy to imagine and understand. Today I just want to explain it to you.
We, human beings, due to the simple matter we are living beings, since the first moment we start living in this planet we own some basic rights that nobody, under no circumstance or event, can deny us. It doesn't matter if we are blacks, whites, reds, yellows or any other colour of our skin; it doesn't matter our sexual orientation; it doesn't matter which religion we believe; it doesn't matter which political idea we profess; it doesn't matter if we are poor or rich; it doesn't matter if we are cultured and well educated or not: It doesn't matter anything I mean. All that matters is we are here and we have some basic rights that nobody can take us away.
This is the reason because one of my first choices was to permanently publish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In my opinion every day of the year is 10 of December. Every day of the year we spend on Earth we are spending it under the umbrella of Human Rights.
Tomorrow, when almost all the people all over the world will have forget what are Human Rights I will be still here remembering it for me and you. Because the human dignity must never be remembered, only lived. That dignity that in countries like Syria has been forgotten from his president Bashar Al Assad and a lot of people is asking him to respect.
Please, Mr Al Assad, have a look to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. People of your country, your same people, with your same blood, need that you understand you are correctly applying it. Stop, please, the Syrian genocide in the name of the Human Rights. The world is watching you waiting for a sign of tolerance and respect towards human dignity. Thank you.
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