The forgotten children of Checenia. Life in Grozny. Picture taken by Musa Sadulajew.

The forgotten children of Checenia. Life in Grozny. Picture taken by Musa Sadulajew.
The forgotten children of Checenia. Life in Grozny. Picture taken by Musa Sadulajew.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I like how women are rebelling in Ukraine. I find it a right way to apply the R-Evolution principles and style.

I would like that you have a deep look to the following 26 pictures, all taken in Ukraine on last 24, August. Then I will ask you 5 simple questions. Here the pictures:

Picture nº 1

Picture nº 2

Picture nº 3

Picture nº 4

Picture nº 5

Picture nº 6

Picture nº 7

Picture nº 8

Picture nº 9

Picture nº 10

Picture nº 11

Picture nº 12

Picture nº 13

Picture nº 14

Picture nº 15

Picture nº 16

Picture nº 17

Picture nº 18

Picture nº 19

Picture nº 20

Picture nº 21

Picture nº 22

Picture nº 23

Picture nº 24

Picture nº 25

Picture nº 26

Have you seen all the pictures? Well, then let me ask you the following 5 questions:

1) Do you know who are these women?
2) Do you know why they are protesting?
3) How do you feel looking at the women (not the pictures)?
4) Do you think they are right or wrong protesting half-naked?
5) What do you think and feel about the policemen?

These same 5 questions I asked to myself and this is what I answered:

1) These women are members of the feminist Ukrainian movement named "FEMEN". The movement was founded in Kiev by Anna Hutsol. Asked why she founded the movement, this is what Anna answered: "I set up FEMEN because I realised that there was a lack of women activists in our society; Ukraine is male-oriented and women take a passive role.The goals of the organization is "to shake women in Ukraine, making them socially active; to organize in 2017 a women's revolution."

2) These women are protesting because they are tired to be seen only as sex objects in their society. The pictures shown some of them protesting in front of the Ukrainian Parliament because there are no female members in the new government of Ukraine. They also claimed that after the early 2010 election of President Viktor Yanukovich the Security Service of Ukraine has attempted to intimidate the FEMEN activists.

3) Looking at these women and what they are doing I feel empathy for them and their protest. Especially I empathize with the two women of picture nº 9. There is something deep in the rage they show. They remind me like those "Goddesses in the Wood" as I learnt reading some north European tales or legends. I find them absolutely attractive for the passionate rage showed in their attitude.

4) I think they are right to protest half-naked. I share what they say to explain why they protest in this way. FEMEN justifies its provocative methods stating "This is the only way to be heard in this country. If we staged simple protests with banners, then our claims would not have been noticed".

5) Looking the faces of the policemen I feel how stupid, sometimes, are we men. They looks like "grey robots" only executing stupid orders from somebody who is feeling threatened by the strong characters of these women. We men are always obsessed with the fear to miss "Power". Yes, women sometimes could been dangerous in this sense. But if in a Government there is neither a woman representing them and their rights, well, the minimum you can expect is they are going onto the street protesting half-naked. 

Conclusions: these women are doing nothing dangerous, they do not represent any danger for the population or the national Ukraine security, they are protesting in a very civil manner. If you ask me this is the right way to make a R-Evolution I say:"Yes, this is". And I add:"Even we men, sometimes, should protest for our rights half-naked".

Welcome on my vision of a R-Evolutioned world. I love you all.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Terza censura di Ma davvero i mei post sono cosí terribili?

Terzo post censurato da In nome di che o cosa questi signori della Redazione censurano un post? In nome della libertà di espressione forse? O della non-espressione, sarebbe meglio dire? E poi Berlusconi in Italia si lamenta della Stampa. Ma se se il Corriere arriva al punto di esercitare la censura di chiaro stampo fascisteggiante, la realtà è che Berlusconi sta centrando, poco a poco, il suo obiettivo ovvero trasformare l'Italia in un regime anti-democratico. Con l'aiuto del Corriere, appunto.

In ogni caso, come nei precedenti due casi, riporto qui sotto il mio intervento integrale che non ha pubblicato. Lascio a voi la libertà di pensare se era corretto censurarlo. Io, come sempre, seguirò la mia linea ovvero che se qualcuno di voi vuole scrivere un commento "forte" io non lo censurerò ma lo pubblicherò interamente, inclusi eventuali commenti offensivi o parolacce. Perché io, come mi ha insegnato Voltaire "non condivido le tue opinioni, ma sempre mi batterò perché tu possa esprimerle liberamente".

Ecco, qui sotto, il mio post:

Sì, noi del nord maleducati ed al sud tutti galantuomini ? 24.08 | 21:49 Miss Piggy

25.08 | 16:03 victor the iron blade
Il tuo commento è in attesa di moderazione
Trovo interessanti le seguenti due frasi della “Signorina Maialeggiante” (ricordo a tutti che questa è la corretta traduzione di Miss Piggy, essendo la parola pig il maiale in inglese ed il suffiso -gy il modo inglese di rendere avverbio una parola).
Ordunque, Miss Maialeggiante scrive:
1) Non sono un tipo gentile…etc……
2) Certo è buffo, se noi uomini vi trattiamo come…etc….
Mi soffermo su quel “tipo” della frase 1) e su quel “noi uomini” della frase 2)
Cara Miss Maialeggiante (o dovrei dire caro Mister Maialeggiante?) mi pare evidente una cosa (dopo che ho letto innumerevoli tuoi post in questo stesso blog):
1) Tu di uomo non hai nemmeno l’unghia del dito mignolo del mio piede sinistro ovvero non sei un uomo, proprio per niente. Tutt’al più sei una caricatura di uomo o, come direbbe Totò, sei un caporale!
2) Se usi un nick femminile pur essendo di sesso maschile hai seri problemi di identità sessuale. E se sei donna che si fa credere un uomo pur restando donna, allora sei da ricovero (oppure guardati il film Victor Victoria, che con gran ironia e senza farne un dramma affronta il tema della omosessualità)
3) Dovresti smettere di usare il nick di Miss Maialeggiante e fare outing chiamandoti Mister Maialeggiante ovvero Mr Piggy se davvero lí sotto hai, come dire, due cosette pendenti
4) Però non hai il coraggio di fare outing altrimenti tutti capirebbero ciò che davvero sei. Cosa sei? Te lo dico in spagnolo, sennó la redazione mi censura. Sei un un “maricon perdido”, ecco cosa sei. Beh, però posso dirtelo in dialetto del nord, che va bene lo stesso. Sei una “checca fusta”…hahahahaha….che non ha il coraggio di dichiarare al mondo la sua “finocchieria”. Mah ritirati, vigliacco!!!
Detto questo (che solo ha a che fare con una mia personale idiosincrasia con il suddetto commentatore) mi pare divertente il tema proposto da Chiara Quagliarello, alla quale mi piacerebbe domandare: davvero Chiara, ti aspettavi che qualcuno si prendesse la briga di offrirti un aiuto in quel di Milano? E sei davvero convinta che a Napoli te lo avrebbero offerto?
Per me che non vivo in Italia da oltre un decennio e che quindi osservo l’Italia da fuori (inclusi gli annuali viaggi a casa per motivi familiari) una cosa è chiara: l’Italia è un paese pieno zeppo di maleducati, da Nord a Sud passando per il Centro.
Al Nord impera la cultura del disinteressarsi del prossimo in nome dell’egoismo, al Centro del menefreghismo di romana matrice e al Sud del fatalismo ironico di scuola napoletana, le cui due più importanti sub-categorie sono il “cazzeggio” e lo “sfottò”.
Cara amica (beh, dico per dire, per galanteria come pare piacere a te) l’Italia purtroppo da un lato si è meridionalizzata e settentrionalizzata allo stesso tempo. Una certa cultura, come dire, romano-napoletana è approdata al nord con i flussi migratori fin dagli anni ’60 ed una certa cultura piemontese-lombardo-veneta si è spinta fino al sud dopo gli anni ’80.
Il punto è che nessuno di coloro i quali la importavano, da una parte, e di coloro i quali la ricevevano, dall’altra, erano preparati a filtrarla secondo i parametri del contesto da cui proveniva ed i parametri del contesto in cui la si introduceva.
In altre parole: milanesi, romani, napoletani messi in un’unica pentola alla fine producono un minestrone il cui unico sapore è, appunto, la maleducazione. Un sapore alquanto disgustoso, no?
Questa, da fuori, è l’Italia che io vedo. Non vedo, come te, un’Italia migliore al Sud e peggiore al Nord. Come diceva Montanelli a proposito di Pertini: riesce a esprimere al meglio il peggio degli italiani. Cosí dico anch’io: Milano, Roma, Napoli (e ci aggiungo pure Torino, Bologna, Bari e Palermo) riescono a esprimere al meglio il peggio dell’Italia. Dove per peggio si intende, ovviamente, la maleducazione.
Questo, miei cari signori e signore tutte che leggete questo blog, è ciò che pensano, nel mondo, degli italiani. Lasciatevelo garantire da chi, in vita sua, ha visitato 27 paesi parlando e conoscendo migliaia e migliaia di persone. Tutti e tutte concordano su un punto: l’italiano, in generale, è un cafone. Comprese le donne, naturalmente. A parte qualche rara (ma davvero rara) eccezione. Altro che uomini che non si offrono di trasportare i lettini a due donne in una piscina di Milano. Italie, c’est fotu. Voilá!
P.S. Per chi pensa di tacciare come maleducato il mio attacco a Miss o Mister Maialeggiante, per favore ricordi che una cosa è essere maleducati un’altra è avere un senso dell’umorismo acido o “black humor”. Del resto il mio nick lo dice chiaramente: Victor la Lama di ferro, dove per lama si può intendere sciabola o anche catana. Come dice l’antico proverbio: ferisce più la lingua della spada. Ed io, grande estimatore della figura del samurai, non potendo ferire o tagliare teste nella realtà con una catana, per lo meno mi accontento di usare la mia lingua come se fosse, appunto, una sciabola. Con la quale, zac, mi diverto a ferire ogni volta che posso a Miss/Mister Mialeggiante in attesa di vedere rotolare la sua testa nel fango……hahahahahahaha

Friday, August 19, 2011

Has been the "Urban War of John Smith" in London Riots the right way to make a R-Evolution?

First have a look to this video, please:

Well, have you seen the video? What do you think about London riots now? I don't know what you think but I will tell you what I think.

Since the beginning of the street disorders in London I told myself: be prudent, hold on a bit more time to have your opinion. I felt like a wise suggestion of my inner self telling me: things are not the way they appears.

I have a motto in my life: Victor, never ever believes 100% of what people is telling you and only believes 50% of what you are seeing. I always believe and apply this motto because I know how much the reality is manipulated by the Media.

So now I think I did the right thing waiting for expressing my opinion on London riots. Because If I had been following the stream of the first TV commentaries probably I would arrive to the same conclusion: people in London are rebelling due to the social cuts and costs of economic crisis.

On the other side if I think as the UK Head of Government, Mr Cameron, probably I arrived to his same conclusions: people involved in disturbing the public order are conflictive people with no sense of Good and Evil.

So I have been looking and reflecting till today, when I saw the video I attached above. Now things for me are enough clear, but don't forget my motto, please, to never believe what you hear and only believe half of what you see. 

For sure there have been people in this London riots absolutely out of control for social cuts and the consequences of economic crisis. They have been affected in their daily routine as never in their life. It is absolutely understandable that when you see your world falling down and destroyed by the egoistic appetites of unscrupulous people like financial speculators, it is understandable, I was saying, that there are people acting in the only way they think can get off  their problems. This action, this behaviour has only a name for them: rebellion. And rebellion, at a good end, means violence.

So the problem start now, with violence. As seen in the video there are people who have used this "social" violence as a justification to commit crimes. Because there is no another way to tell that the group of guys, attacking the motorist with the purpose to steal his scooter, are just criminals. In this sense I agree with Mr Cameron's definition of such delinquency behaviour. But only in this episode of criminality or others similar to it. Not for all London riots.

So I suggest if everybody stops for a while to understand we are in real, huge and terrible economic problems due to the egoistic behaviours of dominant economic elites such as financial speculators, well, maybe one day we can avoid to see again London burning. I hope everybody can reflect a bit more and understand the lesson coming from London riots.

And you: what is your opinion about London riots now that they are ended? Do you believe London riots have been the right way to make the R-Evolution I am preaching for? Express your opinion, please. I am really interested to hear about you. Thanks.

Di nuovo censura un mio post. Perché a temono tanto i miei interventi?

Credo che comincerò a sentirmi onorato dal fatto che censura regolarmente i miei post. Sicuramente questa volta la censura è dovuta al fatto che scrivo una parola politicamente scorretta (almeno secondo la Segreteria di Redazione) come "incazzati" sia nel titolo che nel post. E come se non bastasse la ripeto più volte. Che tremendo scandalo, vero Redazione? Sicuro che la mia è una scrittura maleducata ed io sono un maleducato, vero?

Però, aspettate un momento. Un piccolo uccellino sta passando vicino al mio orecchio e sapete che mi dice? Mi dice che a gli dà fastidio che io critichi cosí apertamente sia la loro linea editoriale sia l'Italia nel suo insieme. 

Eh sí, perché in Italia puoi criticare tutti, basta che non critichi nessuno, vero Redazione? In qualunque caso riporto qui sotto l'intervento censurato almeno chi vorrà potra farsi un'idea propria leggendo il post.

Per il resto ringrazio di farmi l'onore di considerarmi un pericoloso avversario e probabilmente un sovversivo cui bisogna togliere il diritto e la facoltà di esprimere il proprio pensiero. Tutto questo, ovviamente, lo fa in nome del diritto alla libertà di espressione sancito nella Costituzione Italiana, vero Redazione?


Italiani, popolo di eterni "incazzati" e basta.
victor the iron blade
venerdì 19 agosto 2011, 11:30
Gli italiani, da sempre un popolo eternamente "incazzato". Non sono capaci di andare oltre la loro eterna incazzatura. Gli italiani si indignano, urlano, sbraitano, agitano mani e braccia. Poi tutto finisce lí. Al massimo si sfogano lanciando monetine contro il "ladro" di turno. Il quale pensò bene di darsi alla fuga e riparare nell'oasi nord-africana.
Però questa volta non ci sono nemmeno più le monetine da lanciare in quanto il "ladro" si è fregato pure quelle. Che resta agli italiani? Lo sport di sempre: incazzarsi, incazzarsi e poi ancora incazzarsi. Sì, va bene, ma poi?
Vi racconterò una vecchia barzelletta. Sapete cos'è il paradiso? Il paradiso è un posto dove gli svizzeri fanno orologi e cioccolato, gli inglesi automobili, i francesi spettacoli, gli italiani cucinano ed i tedeschi lo organizzano tutto.
E l'inferno? L'inferno è un posto dove gli svizzeri costruiscono automobili, gli inglesi cucinano, i tedeschi fanno spettacoli, i francesi orologi e cioccolato e gli italiani.....lo organizzano tutto!
Questo è il male degli italiani: non erano, non sono e non saranno mai capaci di organizzarsi. Perché organizzarsi suppone:
1) Essere sí incazzati, ma sufficientemente lucidi per evitare di essere vittime dell'incazzatura
2) Essere capaci non solo di guardare al presente ma anche e soprattutto al futuro
3) Avere spirito di gruppo, capacità di adattamento, rinunciare al proprio "particulare"
E soprattutto non pensare che la colpa sempre solo sia di qualcun altro! 


NOTA: ovviamente io ho inviato il testo e l'answer-back del server di è stato positivo. Mi sento obbligato a specificare questo perché non vorrei che qualche simpaticone saltasse su dicendo che la colpa è mia che non so pubblicare i miei post.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Novak Djokovic is the perfect example of a man applying the "R-Evolution" concept and life-style.

Since Sunday 14th of August Novak Djokovic has become the only tennis player in the history of this sport able to win 5 Masters 1000 tournaments in the same calendar year. 

People not really inside tennis rules, efforts and how to play a match of tennis maybe will not understand the real value of this record. Nole has inscribed this incredible record in his "Palmares of Victories" and this means that nobody else on Earth, in any time and country,   never ever reached such an incredible sport goal. Only one person in the "Tennis Open Era"  has been able to do so and this man is Novak Djokovic.

It is a lot of years I am following the impressive unique Novak's ride towards the top. He reached the nº 1 top position last 3rd of July winning for the first time Wimbledon tournament. 

Nole kissing World nº 1 ATP Throphy received in Montreal before beginning the tournament

Doing so it would be authorized to rest a bit. Anybody else in the world have would taken a short time of resting. But Nole is made of another fibre. Nole doesn't rest, he only plays and wins and wins and again wins. 

What is doing Novak Djokovic this year probably is for somebody born in another planet than Earth. Maybe one day will discover that the Serbian player is an E.T. from Mars or any other planet of the universe. Meanwhile all that we can do it is to assist astonished the way is doing his job in such an incredible way.

Malicious people, at this point, could think there are some "dirty" secrets to justify such an incredible winning streak of success. I am not this kind of people. I think (and hope) his victories are genuine and there is "no dirty secret" behind them. 

Assuming then that the native from Belgrade, the former Jugoslavia capital, is fully clean, I would like to bring to your attention the following: Novak Djokovic is the right example to understand what I mean when I am talking about "R-Evolution".

Novak started to play tennis very early in his life. His biography states he was only 4 years old. True or not, from that age Novak has always firmly worked with only one goal in his mind: one day I will be the Number One of tennis.

Past 3rd of July he reached his programmed target. It took him 20 years to arrive where he wanted and planned to arrive. How do you think he did it?

The answer for me is very easy: he, conscious or not, applied the values of "R-Evolution". This values consist of a permanent commitment with yourself to do always the best efforts in your job and life. You are so committed with yourself to come to the top that you are not worried even when you miss vital matches or you must wait for some years before arriving to be Nº 1. Your willing is stronger than any defeats or people you can meet on your own way. This is the way Nole arrived to the top. This is the way people like me or you must follow if we want to help other people of this planet to re-invent themselves and their lives.

In other words it is a matter to continuously re-invent yourself and the way you behave. A champion like Djokovic is an example not only in his sport but even for any person in the world, independently which kind of job he/she is doing or any political/religion conviction or any sexual orientation or language spoken. Novak Djokovic is showing to everybody which is the way to follow if we want to do something well and good. Novak is never complaining. Novak is always positive, assertive, polite, full of respect of his adversary. These are human values under any sky and in any land in the Earth. He really applies the values of "Fair Play" in sport (and life). 

In my opinion Novak Djokovic it is the perfect example of a United Nations "Goodwill Ambassador". I suggest that somebody into the ONU should take into consideration the chance to ask him to accept the charge of this role.

So any time you would like to ask me what I mean for "R-Evolution", from now you always know the answer. My answer is: look at Novak Djokovic and what he is doing. Try to follow his behaviour if you want  to understand what means "R-Evolution".

I publically wish to thank Novak Djokovic for all he is doing and how he is doing it. Thanks Novak to exist. Thanks to people like you humanity still have hopes life is worth to live. God bless you, wonderful boy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Perché censura i miei post?

Oggi su è apparso l'editoriale di Ferruccio De Bortoli. Come molti altri ho provato a dire la mia. Però la solerte Segreteria di Redazione (leggere Ufficio Censura) del Corriere ha pensato bene di non pubblicare il mio commento, cosa che del resto fa abbastanza spesso quando si tratta di pubblicare i miei interventi.

Pubblico pertanto nel mio blog l'intervento censurato e lascio liberamente a voi lettori giudicare se esso era degno di censura e se piuttosto il timore alla verità ha impedito al Corriere di far conoscere il libero pensiero di un libero cittadino quale io mi reputo.

Mi piacerebbe sapere cosa ne pensate inviandomi i vostri commenti, che io ovviamente non censurerò e pubblicherò. Nessuno escluso anche se fossero volgari ed insultanti. Per me la libertà di espressione è davvero sacra. Non come al Corriere.

Qui sotto potete leggere il post censurato:

Al Direttore De Bortoli: qual è la vera anima del Corriere?
victor the iron blade
venerdì 12 agosto 2011, 10:34
Direttore, capisco che Lei dirige un giornale per cui Lei, nella sua posizione deve, come dire, "assolvere compiti di tipo e ruolo istituzionale". Per esempio deve "mediare" con le opinioni di un comitato di redazione, deve "mediare" con i politici pronti a "mordere" se li si critica troppo, deve "mediare" con una pubblica opinione piuttosto divisa e frammentaria, etc. Però non so se si rende conto che a furia di "mediare" sia Lei che il Corriere rischiate di essere scavalcati dagli eventi. Alla fine non vi resterà più nulla da mediare in quanto nel mezzo (visto che mediare si può interpretare come stare nel mezzo ovvero a metà) non resterà più niente. Se per stare nel mezzo (o al centro per dirla in altro modo) uno non si accorge ciò che accade alla "periferia" allora vuol dire che si è ciechi. Le ricordo (ma non solo a Lei che lo sa anche meglio di me, ma a tutti i lettori) che il Fascismo trionfò grazie a una situazione molto simile all'attuale. Le domando quindi chiaramente: cosa vuole fare la Direzione del Corriere, appoggiare la nascita di un nuovo Regime pseudo-fascista? Mi scusi se le dico che i suoi "mediati e moderati" interventi mi preoccupano perché penso che dietro ci sia una insana voglia di regime. 
L'Italia, mi disse un giorno un amico spagnolo, ha "un'anima profondamente fascista" cosí come la Spagna, aggiunsi io, ha una "un'anima profondamente franchista". Credo che entrambi avessimo ragione. E Lei, Direttore, potrebbe finalmente spiegarci qual è l'anima del Corriere?

Monday, August 8, 2011

R-Evolution is to change the way we think and behave. (The ITER Project is an example)

R-Evolution is enough easy to understand. It is just simple like this: R is for the suffix "re" which means again. Evolution is for improve or increase the level of knowledge and the relative level of life at which we are living now. But it is a words joke as well, because it remind us the word "revolution" which everybody knows what it means. 

The Western World Society (from now WWS) it is arrived at a crossroads: to die or survive. WWS is now like the antique Roman Empire. The critique mass of the Roman Empire arrived at a point that its growth was no longer possible. Its social body was too huge to maintain itself alive. When a body is too big it starts to move very slowly. If a body move slowly all his organic processes doesn't work properly. So it starts a process of corruption of the body. This process, early or later, will terminate with the body itself.

Roman Empire, as said, was too big at a certain point of its history. Corruption was basically the evil, like a virus, that destroyed the empire. But the political Roman class didn't understand what was going to happen. However, when the moment of the truth turned up, the Roman Empire was able to survive under a different shape. It shared itself in two parts: the Sacred Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. This was the way that the Roman Empire invented for surviving at itself. At the critical moment to be in front of a crossroads, the Roman Empire found a way to re-inventing itself. We can call it R-Evolution, if you agree.

WWS, like Roman Empire in that time, is now absolutely needing to re-invent itself because this is a matter of surviving. Let me do some examples if you wish to understand what we are talking about.

For sure the most important problem of WWS is now energy. Thanks to an awakening consciousness campaign already started at the end of the '70 we now know and understand that oil is not forever. Since then we have been learning that one day humanity can fall into the tragedy to have no more availability of energy sources. So we have started a run against the clock to find alternative energy sources. We are progressively trying to find out or invent other ways to produce energy, because we have assumed that coal, gas and oil are limited quantities for our excessive hunger of energy.

A lot of people in the world are working every day in the energy renewable sector. This a good purpose, but there is a mistake at the base of their research job. The mistake is very easy and is the following: researchers must find every new source of energy always subjected to the imperative need that it must be inexpensive i.e. economic. In other word researcher's inventions or discoveries are welcome only when they represent a money saving on the actual budget of costs of an energy company.

Well, if you look at this from the point of view of an investor this makes sense. What is the investor's wish? To make money avoiding to miss the invested money. But since this wish has become like a "categoric imperative" of Kantian memory, all that we get is limited new energy sources. Limited in terms of quantities, for instance, or limited in terms of quality. Wind and solar energy are surely respecting the limit to be not too much expensive, but in terms of quantity and quality most of the time they are failing because we cannot depend on the whims of  wind and clouds. No wind, no energy. Clouds in the sky, no energy. This is too much arbitrary, don't you believe?

The real standard of measurement should be the utility of a new energy source, not only its economic value. Here some examples. Hydrogen source is not still fully working because oil companies do not allow its development. They don't want to invest money to change their infrastructures. All that they matter is to make money and money and money. Even when we assist to big natural disasters like in Gulf of Mexico or the silent forgotten disaster of the Delta of Niger river. 

Hydrogen energy is widely demonstrate is a clean and secure energy with a zero pollution impact. But for people who should invest in it there is a defeat: too much expensive. So almost nobody who really could support investments in hydrogen energy has decided to fully impulse its development. There is actually no evidence that cars will circulate thanks to hydrogen fuel in the next five or ten years. The justification is because it is expensive forgetting, on the other side, how much useful it could be for our health and life. 

Another example now: the fusion energy. Fusion energy is the most intelligent and reliable way by which us, the humanity, we can finally solve the necessity of a permanent source of energy. There is a big project about fusion energy. Its name is ITER  (iter is a latin word so, please, don't pronounce it as in English). Iter in Latin, more or less, means "the way to follow". I encourage you to visit the web site of the project following this link: or  (for a just 60 seconds video)

Apparently all should be perfect with ITER project. It is reliable and not dangerous in terms of radioactivity, it is a clean energy with a very low impact pollution, it is even responding to the economic need to be inexpensive. Just for your info you should know that the cost of the entire project is the equivalent of the cost of only two days of oil consume in the whole world. In other words if all the humanity should stop to consume oil energy for just two days, the result would be that all the money not spent in these two days would be the entire cost of the ITER project for fusion energy. I don't know you, but it seems very cheap in my opinion. I think and hope that you agree.

Well, the question now is: have you ever heard about ITER in the last five years? If not, don't you wonder why? Why such an important project like this which involves more than half of the world population is passed almost under silence? Did you know that EU, USA, Japan, China, India, Russia and South Corea are working all togheter in this project through their scientists and governments?

The answer because maybe you don't know ITER is very easy. The nuclear energy power lobby has fought against this unbelievable project that is able to change forever the way by which we are depending on coal, gas and oil energy. This project is much more than a simple form of renewable energy. This is definitely the way humanity can solve the unsolved, till now, problem to have clean energy forever. But since nuclear power energy lobby doesn't want to loose his personal power, its job in these last ten years has been to delay economic resources to develop the fusion energy project. The consequence is that ITER has now a delay of ten years on his plan of development. 

Humanity cannot miss so much time, because we are fighting against the clock in this desperate run to discover new energy sources. But in the world there are people so blind that they do not understand the importance of this concept. They prefer to see people fighting against each others. They prefer to see people dying in terrible wars with the aim of assuming the control of energy sources instead of implementing alternative way of clean energy available for all.

Do you understand now why I wrote, some lines above, that WWS is in front of a crossroads? Do you now understand why I wrote that WWS it is at the same point to which already arrived Roman Empire in its growth?

But if Roman Empire could survive, as empire, sharing itself in two portions and in this way maintaining alive its nature, WWS cannot do the same. The kind of technology we use today and, most of all, the interdependence between all the western populations on Earth does not allow us to imagine that all we have to do is to share our territories, because the world is already enough shared.s We don't need more divisions. On the contrary sometime we need union. Like in ITER project where people of 39 different nationalities are working all together.

This is the right approach for the future: to work all together, with perseverance for reaching the same purpose. The goal now is this: can we change our way to think and behave to avoid a disaster? 

If the answer is yes (and personally I think that "Yes, we can") we have some hopes for the future of our species. But if the answer is not, why we are here then? What are we doing? Are we here just to see our ends, our self-destruction maybe?

When I talk about to change the way to think and behave I am referring to little but meaningful actions in our daily routine. Look at Internet for instance. People of too much states in WWS do not fully understand the importance of this media. There are too much people still living in the past, in past way of communicating I mean. Too much meeting in person, for instance. Why have been invented the tool of a video conference if we are still using the antique way to meet us in person for business purposes? The reason is that there is still too much people unable to manage PC and Internet technology. Or maybe cars and air planes producing companies do not want to miss their customers. To be clear: there is too much ignorant people on this planet that do not want to learn how to use new technologies or substitute a mean with another one. If these people do not change the way they look and think at the job, even their behaviour, of course, is a direct consequence. They will use too much cars or air planes to have meetings, for instance. This means that they are still using an old way to communicate. They are still thinking that the right way is to have meeting in person and not through a video conference. Their behaviour means more consume of oil. More oil, more pollution. More oil, more wars to have control on the last energy sources.

Are you now starting to understand where is the problem and why we are not behaving in the correct way? Do you now understand because it is an urgency to change the way to think and behave if we want to save our same lives?

If we do all this in a reasonable times, there are some hopes for us, for humanity I mean. But if we continue to waste time into useless discussions of opportunities, behind which are hidden big economic interests of a few people, then we are condemning our species to proceed along the road of the extinction.

What do you think is better at this point of human history? Is it better to make a R-Evolution (to start the "reset bottom" in informatic language) or just accepting that a few egoistic people (the dominant elites) must impose us their pace towards the end of human history? 

R-Evolution is the word. R-Evolution is the verb. R-Evolution is the way. Just follow it if you wanna win your prize. Trust me, please.